Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kite Fly

Today was a busy day. I had a meeting with the Peace Ambassadors in the morning. Then, we took the kids to the "Kite Fly". This is an event held each year in San Angelo. One of the TV stations gives out kites to all the children, and then they all work to get them up in the air. It is very fun! This year was by far the most fun for Megan and Matthew. First because they are older, and also because it was so windy. John helped Matthew get his kite up V E R Y high! So high, that my friend's husband had to help him wind the string to get it down. After that was over, we went home to rest. I went to my store to help with the crowd that was there, and then we all went to an ASU baseball game. There was a double-header tonight, but we only there for the first (3-hour) game. We were all tired, and ready to go home. The kids have a friend spending the night tonight. BUSY day tomorrow. (Hint: think Chicken and Children.) I'll take pictures!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Golden Arrow

Matthew received his 'Golden Arrow" award this evening in Boy Scouts. Photo Op pending.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I think I'm caught up!

What I thought would take weeks to do, actually got done in a couple of days. With the exception of some pictures that were taken with our other camera (not uploaded to the computer yet), I have uploaded all the significant pictures that I have taken since February!
I hope that you enjoy this blog, as I enjoy posting to it. I will try to post to it several times a week, or whenever someone in our family does something fun (which seems like it is almost every day). Spring is a busy time of year for us; keep up with what we're doing through our blog!

My Talented Children

These pictures were all taken on the way home from AZ in March. Jacob had finally decided to clap his hands. He also decided that since we weren't giving him enough snacks, he was going to chew on his toes. Not to be outdone, Megan decided to show off, by touching her forehead with her foot! Crazy Girl! Matthew was totally oblivious to it all, since he was busy playing his game.

Passover Seder

On Thursday, April 13, we celebrated the second night of Passover at the Synagogue, with a community seder. We invited our Peace Ambassador group. It was a wonderful experience to have Muslims, Christians, and Jews celebrating, learning, and of course, eating together. It is such an honor to be part of this special group.

Opening Day- Baseball

Saturday, March 25 was Opening Day for Matthew's Little League team. The boys all looked SO cute in their uniforms. Matthew had a fun time, but his team didn't win. (At the next game, which I didn't take pictures at, Matthew's team won 6-4, and Matthew got TWO of the Home Runs.) Way to Go, Matthew!

Road Trip to AZ

In March, we decided to go to AZ, to see John's brother Joe, and his family. Here are a few pictures from that weekend. Joe and Debbie's boys, Kevin and Christopher are such nice kids. Megan and Matthew had a good time with both of them. Jacob had a good time just being Jacob. I just love the scenery in AZ. It is just beautiful! We always have fun when we go there, but this time, we went to an Outlet Mall with Joe and Debbie. I think Debbie and I are shopping soul-sisters.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Mutton Bustin'!

One day in January, Matthew got a letter in the mail, from the Rodeo Chairman. He called me at work to read it to me. It began, "Dear Cowpoke"...
It went on to read that he had been selected to participate in the Mutton Bustin' Competition. This means (for all you rodeo-vocabulary-impaired folks) that Matthew would get to ride a sheep! It is a contest for kids, who weigh less than 60 lbs (Matthew weighs 59), to see how long they can stay on. He had been selected because of a paragraph he had written about why he likes the rodeo.
On Feb. 24, we took him to the Coliseum, where he was given his protective gear (a helmet and padded vest). He looked so cute! John was calling him, "Bucky Goldstein, Jewish Cowboy". Matthew was grinning from ear to ear.
They called his name, and he was out of the gate! He stayed on the sheep for about 2-3 seconds, before he fell off. Unfortunately, the sheep kicked him when he fell off, and bruised his collar bone. I don't think Matthew will ever go near a sheep again. He probably won't even wear a wool sweater!
Sorry about the blurry sheep picture- I was still getting to know my new camera settings. I am waiting for a professional picture to come, that shows him much more clearly.

Megan's last Basketball game

Here is a picture of Megan at her last basketball game. Unfortunately, they didn't win this game, but all the girls had a fun season, and learned lots. Softball season starts soon!

Matthew's Field Trip to the Rodeo

We had so much fun at Matthew's class field trip to the Rodeo Fairgrounds. (For all you non-Texans, this is a HUGE deal!) We all went through "Planet Agriculture", where the kids (and grown-ups) learned about the cotton farming industry in TX, wind power usage in TX (it seems that TX has a lot of hot wind that someone decided could be put to good use. Yes, I laughed out loud when the lady exhibitor said that!), all the TX wildlife, and so much more. Afterwards, we went outside to watch "Sister" the cow be milked. Poor Sister- she looked like she was about to bust! And, wasn't it nice of Mrs. McCrea to wear a scarf that perfectly matched the tent behind her?

Jacob at the Petting Zoo

I took Jacob with me, when I went with Matthew's class to the Rodeo fairgrounds. He just LOVED the Petting Zoo!

Matthew gets his Wolf Badge!

On Feb. 21. Matthew earned his Wolf Badge in Cub Scouts. He couldn't have been prouder! (And how cute does he look in his uniform?)

Easter Sunday

We had a great day today. Megan, Matthew and I took a long bike ride. It was probably 3 miles or so, but they were convinced it was more. We came home and washed the bikes, which the kids loved doing. Jacob had fun playing outside. Then, we came in and did Sunday School. M&M are getting pretty good at Hebrew. John came home, and bbq'd hamburgers for dinner, while the kids and I played outside. Then, we watched Zathura, a great movie that John had rented. Then, off to bed for the kids and John! (and off to the computer for me!).

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Playing Catch-Up

Okay... We're finally taking the plunge...I've been thinking about doing it for a while, but finally, I have set up our family Blog!
For the next few weeks, I will be playing Catch-up-- I'll insert all the adorable pics that I have telling everyone about, and fill you in on our crazy family life.