Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Megan's First Band Concert

Last night we went to Megan's first Band Concert. It was actually quite a production... It was for Band, Choir, and Orchestra, for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Since Both 6th and 7th graders are new to Middle School this year, 2/3 of the performances were beginning groups! They were actually very good-much better than I remember beginning bands sounding when I was in middle school... What I was most impressed by, though, was how amazing the 8th graders were. Since they were new to middle school last year, that means that they have only been playing for a year and a half. The difference was incredible! It will be very interesting to see what Megan's group sounds like in 8th grade, since they will be playing for almost three years by then.
Megan has been playing Clarinet since the beginning of the year, and the plan is for her to switch to oboe in January. We are planning for her to play each instrument for half the year, so when she gets to High School, she can play Clarinet for Marching Season, and Oboe for Concert Season.
I know this picture is just aweful... I only had my camera phone with me, since my good camera is not working. Since Hanukkah Harry hasn't brought me a new one yet, I am hoping that Santa brings me one. (Or, maybe I will get one for our anniversary!) (Don't ya just love subtlety?)
Anyway, Megan is at the edge of the stage (you know I was hating not having my camera!), in the third row (the easiest way is to count knees:))
I know you can't tell at all in the picture, but they all looked so cute in their Santa hats.
After the first half of the groups went, I went to go sit with Megan's band. The kids were very sweet, and all the little girls in my Girl Scout troop were waiting for me to tell them how great they all were. (Of course, they all will be earning a music badge of some kind).