Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jacob's First Movie

We took Jacob to see his first movie today. It might not "Bee" a classic, but I think he enjoyed it. He sat still through about half of it (that's how long his popcorn lasted). After that, he still did okay... It's always easier to judge your kid's behavior, when there are other kids around acting crazier!

Megan and Matthew said they "kind of" liked it. I guess they would rate it a solid "Bee". John and I thought there were a few GREAT lines. I can't say our favorite, since I know that Mike reads this regularly. :) was a lawyer joke...
Overall, we did enjoy it, but it's not really worth all the buzzzzz... okay I'll stop now.

While on the topic of movies, last week, Megan, Matthew and I went with Megan's Girl Scout troop to see the movie, Dan In Real Life. It was a big deal, since Peter Hedges, the writer/director of the movie, was in San Angelo for the premier. (His father lives here, so SA claims him as our own.) The movie was good. I think I would have enjoyed it if I didn't have to worry about 10 11-year-olds and Matthew being in the audience. There were some inuendos that I'm not sure they "got" (hopefully).

But, after the movie, Peter Hedges took time to sign autographs for all the girls in my troop and Matthew. He even came back outside to meet them, and talked to each one as he was signing. It meant so much to them, and Peter Hedges now has a new fan (me). It doesn't matter to me whether his movies are blockbusters; it is much more important that he took the time to make 10 little girls and my little boy feel important enough for him to spend 20 minutes with them on the premier night of his newest flick. And, it was even between shows. After our showing (all Girl Scout people), the next showing had an audience of all the "high society" people in this town. (We like to let them think they are, anyway :) )