Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our Anniversary Tradition

Yesterday was our 5th anniversary! Every year on our anniversary, we have had a limo pick us up to take us on the Christmas Light Tour along the River. This year was no different, except that we had the limo come after the ASU boys' basketball game! (John announces the games. He was going to have someone else announce the game, but I said I'd like to go!) The lights were beautiful, as always. We had a wonderful time together.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Boys make breakfast

Today is our 5th anniversary! All week, Matthew has been saying that he wanted to make John and me an Anniversary breakfast. So this morning, John, Matthew, and Jacob went to the store to get the ingredients they would need. No recipe, just bought on a whim. They bought frozen hashbrowns, red potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, breakfast sausage and velveeta cheese. We had to explain to Matthew that there was a certain order to cook everything in, since the sausage and potatoes would take longer to cook than the eggs. They had so much fun doing it! We added some Julio's seasoning to it at the end, and it was delicious!!!

Family Pic

This past Thursday was Jacob's school performance... It was so adorable! Afterward, we were taking pictures of Jacob w/ the poinsettias, and the music teacher, Mrs. Ochoa, offered to take a picture of all of us. So sweet! (even though were weren't dressed to have our pictures taken :) ) Too bad I didn't realize that all we could see is Jake's head~ Oh well... His little head looks cute over the poinsettias.

How cute is SHE???

Megan got her hair cut this week~ She got about 6 inches cut off! I think she looks adorable... and of course, SO much older :)

We're Trying!

As often as possible, I try to have make "Shabbat Dinner" Friday nights, complete with candles and challah. Last Friday night, we turned off the lights and took this picture. With everyone's schedules, it's not always possible, but it sure is special when we can!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Boy Scout Camp

Okay, so I am waaaay behind on updating this thing. But, well, to say the least, it has been a busy couple of months. And, like the economy, I fear it's going to get worse before it gets better (except mine are all *happy* events!) This month alone, in the next two weeks, actually, we have: Our Anniversary, Hanukka, Christmas, and Matthew's birthday. Nope, never a dull moment in December ~ even more so than normal ;)
Below are pictures from Boy Scout Family Camp in October. ~The VERY NEXT WEEKEND after Girl Scout camp. We had so much fun! It was a little sad, as this is Matthew's last Family Camp, since he moves up to Boy Scouts next year. (Family Camp is for Cub Scouts.) An added bonus to this weekend was that Meme came with us! She was trying to find a weekend to come spend with the kids, and this particular weekend just seemed to work well. She had a great time. No, really she did! And we had a blast with her.

We made a yummy breakfast on Saturday~ Pancakes, Turkey Bacon, and Eggs! We used Kelli Sudduth's (Matthew's teacher) new grill! Pancakes taste so much better when they are cooked outside!

One of the skills that the kids work on at Family Camp is Archery. M & M have gotten pretty good! i.e., they don't have to go running past the targets to collect their arrows! A couple of them even make it close to the bullseye!

The Boys (and Megan) clowning around before getting on the paddleboats. Aren't they sweet? (actually, they are :))

The Mud Pit. Need I say more?
(Except that John brought Jacob later in the afternoon, so that he could play for a little while, then camp with us that night.)

BS Pack 374. Someone donated the flags to each den at this campout.
Matthew is standing under the Bear flag (even though he's a Webelos).They got more organized at the flag ceremony!

Me, Magan, Meme (yes Meme!) and Kelli on the paddleboat

The Webelos cooked dinner for for us on the last night of camp (mmmm... mango-stuffed tilapia)

Both mornings, because it was so stinkin' cold, we woke up to a beauiful mist on the river. I took the one above; Matthew took the one below. (He is quite the little photographer.)