Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Breaking News

I have been a freelance reporter for almost three years now. The typical story I am assigned to is several days in advance, and pretty much runs the way I expect it to.

Last week, the editor asked me to cover the Drag Boat Races, out at Lake Nasworthy here in San Angelo. I'd never been out to the Boat Races before, and was looking forward to doing something new.

I went out on Saturday, spoke to sponsors, drivers, and volunteers. Before I knew it, I'd been out there for three hours! I called and left a message for the weekend editor to tell her that the story would be on its way shortly. She called me back soon after, apologizing, and told me that the story was actually for the NEXT day! Not a problem, I figured I would go out and speak to some spectators on the final day of the event.

When I got there, Peggy, the lady driving the golf cart, introduced me to two Marines who had just gotten to San Angelo the day before. They were out enjoying their weekend before they started work/school on Monday.

The event went as I expected, speaking to lots of great people. There was lightening nearby, so I even got to speak to people uninterrupted by the noise of the boats.

After getting all the interviews that I needed, I was trying to leave. I had already been there longer than expected. It was starting to rain. Finally, I got in the golf cart that was going to take me back to my car. As we were getting in, I watched two of the LOUD boats racing each other, both going in speeds in excess of 200 mph. I had just gotten in, when I heard the crowd start groaning. Something had happened.

I was already late leaving, so in my mind, I was thinking, "I need to get home to get this story done." But, fate intervened, as Jenni, the lady I had interviewed moments earlier, said, "move over, we have to go!"

I tried to get out of the cart, but she and Peggy, also in the cart, said, "You're a reporter; this is your story!"

As we ZOOMED, and I mean ZOOMED to the exit ramp where the boats were to be taken from the water, I was amazed at the skill of the driver- one of the Marines I'd met earlier. He got us to the ramp literally minutes before the second ambulance arrived.

Luckily, both drivers were ok. But, I realized when I got there, and saw the lines of people holding hands in support and prayer, that I did indeed have a story. The adrenaline, both from the accident itself and the golf cart ride to the scene, had me jittery to say the least. Then, as I was looking for people to interview, I realized I was rain-soaked, wind-blown, and covered with mud. My glasses had rain on them, but my shirt was too wet/dirty to clean them! From sitting in the back of the golf cart, my legs were muddy from the knees down!

Later, I laughed to myself, thinking what people must have thought when I introduced myself as a writer for the Standard-Times. There were a lot of them, too- I realized that I had to speak to a lot of people to get what was the closest to the real story.

But, it was my first breaking news story! And, luckily another reporter was there to add details that I couldn't get... So, that was my first "joint" story as well.

Here's the link-

Waiting for the driver to get out of surgery today, so I can call him to interview him!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Crisis Averted

This week, we almost had a crisis...
On Wednesday, Matthew came home with a letter, saying that he should come to the Glenn awards ceremony. (We never know what the award(s) is for, just that the student is getting something.) The problem: Megan did not get a letter. She has gotten one every year, and has had a good year this year, but for whatever reason, no letter.

While somewhat surprised, I told her that not every child could receive awards. She has been lucky to be recognized in previous years. I suggested that maybe more letters would be given out the next day. "No," she said, "everyone got their letters today."

I have learned not to argue (out loud) with Megan when she thinks she is right. She is too much like me. So, we kind of just left the conversation there.

That night, though, Megan was in a baaaaad mood. She said she was just tired, and she probably was, but I couldn't help but think that part of it was not receiving the letter.

The next day, I picked the kids up from school, asked them how their day was, and if they had any homework. Megan casually slipped in that she got her letter.

"YAY!" I said. In typical Megan-fashion, no extreme emotion was shown.

But, she was in a much happier mood. We'll see what my two little award winners receive on Tuesday.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

NJHS Induction

Shaking hands with Principal Stinnett...

Signing the "official" NJHS record... Official NJHS Member!
Last week, Matthew was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. NJHS is not easy to get into- the kids have to have an overall 95% GPA, have community service hours, and letters of reference.
171 kids in 6th & 7th grades got inducted (or re-inducted) that night. I estimate that there are 750-800 6th & 7th graders at Glenn, so that percentage is pretty impressive. We are so proud of him!!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Detective Jacob

For several months now, Jacob has been a detective. He takes his job seriously, and has gathered many pieces of his "uniform" that he wears on his belt, in his pockets, etc. While shopping yesterday, he found a tie (a detective tie) that "matched" the shirt he'd already picked out. There's no telling that boy "no" when it comes to his wardrobe; so we've basically given up, knowing that in 10 years he'll be asking us "WHY did you let me wear that???"

Thursday, May 06, 2010

A year's worth of info in one post

Ok... So it's been over a year since my last post... No excuses. Busy, yes, but seriously? No posts in a YEAR?? Several months back, I even made this blog my "home page," thinking that would get me in the habit of posting. But even that didn't work.

Now, I am not one to place blame on anyone or anything for my laziness, but if I had to blame someone for my not posting, I would have to say it is Facebook's fault! I try to update my status there at least once a day/every other day. I just love the concept and have reconnected with so.many.friends!

So, just how does one tell everything that happened in a year, without writing a novel?

I think the easiest (most organized?) way is to do each person individually:

John: Since I last posted, John left Foster Communications, where he had been working for 8 years, to become the general manager at Gold's Gym. It was an amicable parting, and a much-needed change for John. The best part about the change~ it gave John an opportunity to work out, almost daily, and get back in shape. (Since his back surgery 2 years ago, a sedentary lifestyle (before and after) caused him to put on some extra weight.) During this past year, he started his own small business, doing voice work for some previous clients.
As of this week, John is back in the sales/marketing world. He left Gold's to work with an advertising agency here in San Angelo. Looks promising, and he's really enjoying it so far!

Megan: Still playing oboe in the band, and a member of the swim team, Megan is currently trying to determine which classes she will be taking next year, in HIGH SCHOOL! Yes, she will be a freshman next year. Aside from that, this year Megan started wearing make-up, and also is choosing clothes that are more fashionable (and may I say girl-y?). Since her personality has blossomed so much this year, it is only fitting that her wardrobe blossom as well.

Matthew: This year, Matthew started middle school. And, for the most part, the transition has been very smooth. Several of his teachers have even pulled me aside to tell me what a great kid he is (but we already knew this). He started playing the trumpet in band, and has been consistently in the top 8 or 9 out of 44 beginning trumpets. Matthew played basketball earlier this year, and is playing baseball now.

Jacob: Our youngest son is by far the most precocious of the three children. Not really a brat, but outgoing, imaginative, and just really his own person. For those of you who don't know yet, Jacob has announced to us that not only is he "married" to the 4 year old sister of one of Megan's friends, but also that he/they also have 2 sons (Drake and Josh). Don't worry about him being married with children at such a young age, though; after about 8-9 months of changing careers (judge, Gold's Gym assistant manager, Lowe's employee, etc.), he has finally settled on a career as a police officer. Depending on the day, his position may change from Detective, to Chief, to Security, but he has been a proud member of the SAPD for several months now.

Me: Part of the reason that I started not posting last year was that I was pregnant! Although I had my typical tired first trimester, the rest of the pregnancy was easy and non-eventful, though rather stressful after having two miscarriages and a still-birth in my last three pregnancies. In January, our family was blessed with the birth of Allyson Rose, who was born healthy and beautiful. I have been doing freelance writing for our local newspaper for the past 2 1/2 years, but in this past year have been writing considerably more. I love it!

Allyson: Our newest little addition, Allyson was born on January 14. She weighed 8 lbs, 4 ounces, and was two weeks early! She was also born with a head full of brown hair. Her eyes are still a beautiful grayish-blue color. Most importantly, she has an adorable, sweet personality. She is at the age where she has started smiling at people who talk to her... SO Cute!!!

Well, while I know that isn't all the details from this past year, it is at least the highlights for each family member... I am going to work hard to post waaaaay more often. And if you don't see me here for a while, look for me on Facebook!