Saturday, May 15, 2010

Crisis Averted

This week, we almost had a crisis...
On Wednesday, Matthew came home with a letter, saying that he should come to the Glenn awards ceremony. (We never know what the award(s) is for, just that the student is getting something.) The problem: Megan did not get a letter. She has gotten one every year, and has had a good year this year, but for whatever reason, no letter.

While somewhat surprised, I told her that not every child could receive awards. She has been lucky to be recognized in previous years. I suggested that maybe more letters would be given out the next day. "No," she said, "everyone got their letters today."

I have learned not to argue (out loud) with Megan when she thinks she is right. She is too much like me. So, we kind of just left the conversation there.

That night, though, Megan was in a baaaaad mood. She said she was just tired, and she probably was, but I couldn't help but think that part of it was not receiving the letter.

The next day, I picked the kids up from school, asked them how their day was, and if they had any homework. Megan casually slipped in that she got her letter.

"YAY!" I said. In typical Megan-fashion, no extreme emotion was shown.

But, she was in a much happier mood. We'll see what my two little award winners receive on Tuesday.

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